The Loren Donley Center for Performing Arts offers cushioned seating for 693, and a professional sound and light system.  Use of the Loren Donley Center for Performing Arts must be board approved at the Board of Education Meeting.

Seating: 693
Address: 808 Laura Herbert Drive, Point Pleasant, NJ

NOTE:  Public performances will require a one police officer for supervision and security of property.  The Board reserves the right to set the number of officers needed based on the type of event and the anticipated crowd.

Basic Rental:  $600.00 (Flat Rate)
Rehearsals:  $450.00 (Flat Rate)
Police:  $61.00 per hour or as adjusted by the Borough of Point Pleasant
Audio-Visual Supervisor:  $48.00 per hour**
Student/Junior AV Assistant:  $16.00 per hour**
Student/Senior AV Assistant:  $18.00 per hour**

** Rates for Audio-Visual Supervisor as based on availability of staff and students who are authorized and trained on district equipment.  If no staff or students are available, the district's approved outside vendor must be used.

Payment for the use of the Loren Donley Center for Performing Arts must be made 3 days in advance of the requested date.  If payment is not made to the Board of Education, the event will be cancelled.The High School auditorium features a complete renovation in 2010, offering cushioned seating for 1150, a professional sound and light system and 1 center aisle.